Tag Archives: wallpapers

Brands please Ganapati..!!

Festivals are one of the many things that are found in abundance in India. And with them they bring along, opportunities to connect, for people, businesses and brands alike. Every festival has something special, a story or a particular Lord associated, and that’s what lets brands to go creative and pop something up that lures the consumers, in the form of products, offers or promotions.

With the advent of social media, the canvas has loomed large and the strokes even more under scrutiny. Reluctant to lag behind in the race to befriend the stranger called consumer, my Facebook wall was filled with Ganesh Chaturthi wishes from almost every brand that had an Indian connection.

Most of them went by in passing for they just aimed to check the boxes, while a couple of them caught my attention as they played it well.

Read the full story here.

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